Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012
Aku baru sampai rumah. Sebenarnya aku ingin cerita banyak sama Ema Tetapi setelah masuk rumah, ternyata Ema sudah tidur, Cuma ada Enday , enong dan k herman. Mereka kan tidak terlalu asyik untuk diajak ngobrol. Aku lebih asyik ngobrol dengan ema. Ema lebih mengerti aku. Tadinya aku ingin cerita soal kuliah aku, keuangan, ada hal yang ingin aku tanyakan sama ema, “Kenapa ema beli Lemari,?"
Jelas-jelas uangnya bisa dipakai untuk hal yang lebih penting. Memang sebelumnya ema bilang sama aku, kirain aku itu hanya candaan aja, ga beneran mau beli.
Tadinya aku sebel banget , kamar aku berantakan. Baju aku mencar kasana-kemari. Tapi setelah beberapa hari kemudian, aku berterima kasih banget sama ema karena sekarang kamar aku lebih rapi.
Letter of Acceptance
Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
Nama : (Pembantu Dekan 1 bidang akademik STPB)
Jabatan :
Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa yang bersangkutan di bawah ini:
Nama : Ninik Prasetya Ningsih
TTL : Surakarta, 19 Januari 1992
Asal Sekolah : SMK Negeri 8 Makassar
Adalah benar telah mengajukan permohonan kuliah di Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung dengan pilihan 1(Administrasi Hotel D4 ) dan pilihan 2 (Manajemen Tata Hidang D3). Dan benar yang bersangkutan adalah peraih Medallion of Excelent di bidang Restaurant Service pada kompetensi keterampilan tingkat Asean (Asean Skills Competition VIII) di Bangkok Thailand dan sekarang yang bersangkutan sedang mempersiapkan diri mengikuti World Skills Competition ke-41 yang akan dilaksanakan di London (Oktober 2011).
Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut maka melalui surat ini kami menyatakan siap menerima yang bersangkutan untuk melanjutkan kuliah di kampus kami sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku dan siap membantu yang bersangkutan untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimilikinya di kampus STPB Bandung.
Demikian surat ini kami buat untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.
Atas perhatian dan kerjasama kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Bandung, 1 Juni 2011
Nama Lengkap dan Jabatan
Tembusan: – Kepala STPB
- Kepala BPKLN
Study in UK
Chevening scholarships 2010/11
Applications for 2010/11 Chevening Scholarships will open 1 August 2009 and close on 18 October 2009.
Chevening Scholarships and Fellowships are highly prestigious awards funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and administered by the British Council. The programme offers outstanding graduates and young professionals, for international students who wish to study in the United Kingdom (UK) universities. The awards are made for one year’s formal study for a postgraduate qualification or for a shorter period of not less than three months to pursue private study or research at a university or similar institution in the UK. The scholarship includes:
- a return economy airfare to the UK from any Australian city
- all compulsory academic fees
- monthly stipend
- book allowance
- thesis allowance
Candidates should have a strong undergraduate degree (emphasis is placed on applications with First or Second Class Honours). Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of Australia.
Chevening scholarships are targeted towards a broad range of fields and disciplines. Priority is given to the following areas:
- Science and innovation
- New and renewable energy resources and energy security
- Global environmental issues
- Science policy
- Sustainable development
- Human rights
- Political science
Application Deadline: 18 October 2009
Important information for all applicants
- Applications for Chevening Scholarships for study in the 2010/11 academic year open on Saturday 1 August. The application deadline is midnight Sunday 18 October.
- Applications will ONLY be accepted via the new online application system. For further details on how to submit your application, and to complete the online application procedure, please go to
- No late applications will be accepted.
- In your application you will be asked to list contact details for two referees. Note, referees should be professional and/or academic.
- A Medical Form is only required once an award has been made.
PhD Scholarships in Mobile Information Sharing at Nanyang Technological University
The minimum entry qualifications for admission as a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are a Master’s degree and the ability to pursue research in the candidate’s proposed field of advanced study.
Applications are invited for PhD scholarships in mobile information sharing research at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work on a cutting-edge mobile interactive digital media project that involves gameplay and information sharing. Potential areas of research include: - Mobile game design and development for information sharing
- User interface design and evaluation
- Modeling mobile information seeking
- Mobile data management
- Information retrieval and mining techniques
- Mobility and management of information systems
- Social, psychological and organizational impact studies
Ideal candidates would have a good Master`s degree in computer science, information systems, information science, or fields relevant to the above research areas. They should have good communication skills in English and be motivated to carry out research in one or more of the above areas. They should also preferably have some mobile applications development and/or data analysis experience. GRE scores are also required for candidates whose degrees are not awarded from a Singapore-based university.
Scholarships are available for the August 2009 semester. Successful candidates will be awarded a four-year scholarship plus a monthly stipend.
For more information about the graduate programs at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, please visit:
Potential applicants should send a CV with publication list and academic transcripts to:
Dr Dion Goh at
Dion Goh
Associate Professor
Director, MSc Information Systems Program
Division of Information Studies
School of Communication and Information
Nanyang Technological University
31 Nanyang Link
Singapore 637718
Phone: (65) 6790-6290
Fax: (65) 6791-5214
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A scholarship or bursary could reduce the cost of your studies'
Every year, UK schools, colleges and universities attract thousands of students just like you. Many students who come to study in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales rely on help from family and friends to meet the costs of course fees and living expenses.
There are a number of bursaries and scholarships to help you fund your studies, so make sure you don’t miss out on any financial help that may be available to you.
Where do you start?
To find out whether you might be eligible for a scholarship or for financial grant support, start by asking the Ministry of Education in your own country.
Another good place to find out more is right here, on the Education UK website! You'll find a scholarship tab in the Search box at the top right -hand side of every page. There are details of thousands of scholarships, so you can find those that are appropriate to your country of origin, level of study, subject, and whether you want to study at school, college or university.
And your local British Council office will have information about UK and country-specific award schemes.
A variety of scholarships and awards to help international students come to the UK to study are offered by UK government departments and the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and a number of other UK organisations. While most of these awards tend to be for postgraduate-level study, many UK universities, schools and colleges also offer a range of awards for international undergraduate students.
When should you apply?
It's important to apply in plenty of time; the deadline for many awards is often a whole academic year before the start of the course.
Boarding schools and colleges
Many boarding schools and colleges offer a range of bursaries and scholarships to help with the cost of fees. These are usually awarded to people with particularly strong academic or musical ability, or who are in financial need.
Scholarships and bursaries can cover all or part of the fees, depending on the school and the type of award.
To apply for a scholarship, gifted students are usually invited to take part in an open exam or test, normally held in the academic year before admission. Alternatively, examination papers can be sent to British Council offices in the student’s home country so they can sit the exams locally.
Higher education
Most higher education (HE) scholarships tend to be for postgraduate study, but many colleges and universities also offer a range of bursaries and scholarships for undergraduate students.
Many of these awards cover course fees (either a percentage each year, or sometimes the full tuition fee), while others also make a contribution to living expenses. They are usually awarded on the basis of academic achievement in your pre-university studies, or according to financial need.
Loyalty bursaries
Some UK universities offer a scholarship or ‘loyalty bursary’ to international students who remain at the university to take a degree after completing a previous course, such as a foundation programme, HND or Foundation Degree.
If you are following in the footsteps of one of your family members, such as your parent, your brother or sister who went to the same university, you may find you can apply for a family bursary.